The Effect of Cross-Section of Three Different Files on Apical Debris and Irrigant Solution Extrusion Using Full File Sequences: An In Vitro Study


  • Sohaib Fadhil Mohammed Department of operative dentistry, college of dentistry, university of Anbar, Iraq.
  • Sura Yaseen Khudhur
  • Zaidoon Hasan Mohammed
  • Matheel AL-Rawas
  • Tahir Yusuf Noorani
  • Mohd Firdaus Yhaya



Cross-Section##common.commaListSeparator## Instrumentation##common.commaListSeparator## Sodium Hypochlorite##common.commaListSeparator## Flexibility##common.commaListSeparator## Premolar


Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the cross-sectional geometry of heat-treated endodontic rotary files upon debris ejection through apex and the quantity of irrigants expelled when employing a complete sequence file system.

Methods: Sixty extracted human maxillary first premolars were included and randomly classified into three categories (n = 20) according to the file employed during the preparation of canal. The groups were Group 1: EdgeFile X7, Group 2: Komet FQ, and Group 3: Fanta AF F One. The modified Myers along with Montgomery experiment protocol was employed to measure the mean weight of upward extruded irrigants and detritus in grams. The comparison of irrigants and debris extrusion was performed utilizing analyses of variances (ANOVA). Significant level has been established at 0.05.

Results: Apical ejection of material was prevalent throughout every one of analyzed files. Quantity of debris extruded during canal shaping did not show any significant variation among the examined files, The Fanta AF F One group exhibited the greatest mean of extrusion irrigant.

Conclusion: Each evaluated endodontic rotary devices produced comparable apical debris ejection among the groups. The Fanta AF F One group extruded the most irrigant.


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Mechanisms of Oral Disease