Antimicrobial Efficiency of Hypochlorous Acid Incorporation and its Effect on Surface Properties of Irreversible Hydrocolloid Materials
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antimicrobial efficiency, hypochlorous acid, incorporation, irreversible hydrocolloid, self disinfectingResumen
Objective: Conventional approaches for disinfection, including spraying and immersion, resulted in only surface disinfection of impressions. As a result, self-disinfecting impression materials incorporated with antimicrobial compounds require more extensive studies. The incorporation of a disinfectant into irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials could eliminate the need for the disinfection step by conventional approaches, including spraying and immersion which only result in surface disinfection of impressions. The study was aimed to investigate the effect of incorporation of hypochlorous acid in irreversible hydrocolloid materials on antimicrobial efficiency, detail reproduction, and dimensional stability.
Materials and Methods: Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) was used in two concentrations, 100 ppm and 200 ppm, and mixed with alginate powder to compare with the control group (distilled water mixed with alginate). Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosawere chosen for assessing the antimicrobial activity with the disk diffusion test. In addition, the dimensional stability and reproduction of details were tested.
Results: The results revealed that both HOCl concentrations of 100 ppm and 200 ppm imposed significant antimicrobial activity against all three tested microorganisms. There was no significant difference regarding reproduction of details, but the addition of the antimicrobial had a significant adverse effect on the alginate’s dimensional stability.
Conclusion: It may be concluded that the incorporation of HOCL into irreversible hydrocolloid impression material resulted in an impression with antimicrobial activity. In addition, there was no effect on the impression materials ability to reproduce surface details, but the antimicrobial addition may affect its dimensional stability.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Shorouq M. Abass, Bayan S. Khalaf, Moamin I. Issa, Aseel Mohammed Al-Khafaji

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