Etiology and familial inheritance of pleomorphic adenomas
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Pleomorphic Adenoma, Carcinoma ex Pleomorphic Adenoma, PLAG1Résumé
Background: A pleomorphic adenoma is the most common salivary gland neoplasm in both children and adults. Pleomorphic adenomas are derived from ductal and myoepithelial cells and are most commonly found in the superficial lobe of the parotid gland. The purpose of this article is to discuss the genes involved in pleomorphic adenomas and the possible autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Case Description: The first patient was a white male who was diagnosed with carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma, a highly aggressive tumor, at the age of 57. He had an undiagnosed pleomorphic adenoma for approximately 15 years prior. The tumor was excised and the patient underwent radiation in the location of his parotid gland for 4 years until he deceased. The second patient is a white female, his daughter, who was diagnosed with a benign pleomorphic adenoma at the age of 46. Her salivary gland tumor was excised and normal follow up appointments occurred. Practical Implications: Pleomorphic adenomas most commonly affect the parotid gland, the largest of the three major salivary gland tumors. Occurrence and excision of this salivary gland tumor will cause a decrease in the secretion of saliva, leading to a dry mouth and an increased risk of caries.
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